
5 Results

How to generate contour from DEM in QGIS?

There are many methods or sources for obtaining contour like cartographic source (digitalization of old topo map), stereo-pairs, lidar data, photogrammetric methods, GIS softwares etc.

One of the data source for contour is Digital Elevation Model (DEM). In this tutorial we will learn how we can get contour through DEM in QGIS. Follow the following steps:

How to add a new class field name in LULC ?

Our LULC raster has DN values in its pixels and we have labeled it by symbology under different classes like ‘WaterBodies’, ‘Forest’, ‘Urban’ etc. But unlike vectors we can’t directly store values in raster creating a new field in open attribute table explaining DN ‘1’ means ‘WaterBodies’ or something like that. Also raster with DN value meanings(like forest, urban etc.) can be used later to give rank to different classes in Multicriteria Decision Analysis.